Package cosmolopy :: Module reionization

Module reionization

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Routines related to the reionization history of the IGM.
delta_lambda_delta_dl(z, delta_dl, **cosmo)
The Lyman-alpha wavelength shift given light-travel distance.
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recomb_rate_coeff_HG(temp, species, case)
Recombination rate coefficients for HII, HeII and HeIII.
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ionization_from_collapse(z, coeff_ion, temp_min, passed_min_mass=False, **cosmo)
The ionized fraction of the universe using perturbation theory.
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quick_ion_col_function(coeff_ion, temp_min, passed_min_mass=False, zmax=20.0, zmin=0.0, zstep=0.1, **cosmo)
Return a function giving ionization_from_collapse as a function of redshift (based on interpolation).
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Clumping factor as a function of redshift used by Bagla et al. 2009.
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clumping_factor_HB(z, beta=2)
Clumping factor as a function of redshift used by Haiman & Bryan (2006).
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Clumping factor as a function of redshift estimated from Chary (2008)
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integrate_ion_recomb(z, ion_func, clump_fact_func, xHe=1.0, temp_gas=10000.0, alpha_B=None, bubble=True, **cosmo)
Integrate IGM ionization and recombination given an ionization function.
source code
integrate_ion_recomb_collapse(z, coeff_ion, temp_min=10000.0, passed_min_mass=False, temp_gas=10000.0, alpha_B=None, clump_fact_func=<function clumping_factor_BKP at 0xa57abfc>, **cosmo)
fraction. Integrates an ODE describing IGM ionization and recombination rates.
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ionization_from_luminosity(z, ratedensityfunc, xHe=1.0, rate_is_tfunc=False, ratedensityfunc_args=(), method='romberg', **cosmo)
Integrate the ionization history given an ionizing luminosity function, ignoring recombinations.
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integrate_optical_depth(x_ionH, x_ionHe, z, **cosmo)
The electron scattering optical depth given ionized filling factor vs. redshift.
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optical_depth_instant(z_r, x_ionH=1.0, x_ionHe=1.0, z_rHe=None, return_tau_star=False, verbose=0, **cosmo)
Optical depth assuming instantaneous reionization and a flat universe.
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nDotRecMHR(z, clump_fact=1.0)
Recombination rate density from Madau, Haardt, & Rees 1999.
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  __package__ = 'cosmolopy'
Function Details

delta_lambda_delta_dl(z, delta_dl, **cosmo)

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The Lyman-alpha wavelength shift given light-travel distance.

Wavelengths are in Angstroms.

Returns lambda(z), lambda(z - Deltaz), z, z - Deltaz

recomb_rate_coeff_HG(temp, species, case)

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Recombination rate coefficients for HII, HeII and HeIII.


temp is the temperature in K

species is 'H', 'He0', or 'He1'.

case is 'A' or 'B'.


From Hui and Gnedin (1997MNRAS.292...27H).

Valid for He0 for temperatures between 5e3 and 5e5 K.

ionization_from_collapse(z, coeff_ion, temp_min, passed_min_mass=False, **cosmo)

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The ionized fraction of the universe using perturbation theory.



Redshift values at which to evaluate the ionized fraction.


Coefficient giving the ratio between collapse fraction and ionized fraction (neglecting recombinations and assuming all photons are instantly absorbed).


Either the minimum Virial temperature (in Kelvin) or minimum mass of halos (in solar masses) contributing to reionization.

passed_temp_min: Boolean

Set this to True if you pass a minimum mass, False (default) if you pass a minimum Virial temperature.

cosmo: dict

Cosmological parameters.


See Furlanetto et al. (2004ApJ...613....1F).

quick_ion_col_function(coeff_ion, temp_min, passed_min_mass=False, zmax=20.0, zmin=0.0, zstep=0.1, **cosmo)

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Return a function giving ionization_from_collapse as a function of redshift (based on interpolation).

Calling the resulting function is much faster than evaluating ionization_from_collapse.


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Clumping factor as a function of redshift used by Bagla et al. 2009.

See Bagla, Kulkarni & Padmanabhan (2009MNRAS.397..971B).

clumping_factor_HB(z, beta=2)

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Clumping factor as a function of redshift used by Haiman & Bryan (2006).

See Haiman & Bryan (2006ApJ...650....7H).


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Clumping factor as a function of redshift estimated from Chary (2008)

Chary, R.-R. 2008, ApJ, 680, 32 (2008ApJ...680...32C) shows a nice plot (Figure 2a) of clumping factor for neutral and ionized gas with and without halos included and adopts the clumping factor for ionized gas without source halos (but with other halos), which rises (apparently, from the graph) as a constant powerlaw from ~2 and z=15 to 6 at z=8, steepens to reach 8 at z=7, and ~17 at z=5.

This function returns the values of a piecewise powerlaw (as a function of redshift) interpolated/extrapolated through those points.

integrate_ion_recomb(z, ion_func, clump_fact_func, xHe=1.0, temp_gas=10000.0, alpha_B=None, bubble=True, **cosmo)

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Integrate IGM ionization and recombination given an ionization function.


z: array

The redshift values at which to calculate the ionized fraction. This array should be in reverse numerical order. The first redshift specified should be early enough that the universe is still completely neutral.


A function giving the ratio of the total density of emitted ionizing photons to the density hydrogen atoms (or hydrogen plus helium, if you prefer) as a function of redshift.


Gas temperature used to calculate the recombination coefficient if alpha_b is not specified.


Optional recombination coefficient in units of cm^3 s^-1. In alpha_B=None, it is calculated from temp_gas.

clump_fact_func: function

Function returning the clumping factor when given a redshift, defined as <n_HII^2>/<n_HII>^2.

cosmo: dict

Dictionary specifying the cosmological parameters.


We only track recombination of hydrogen, but if xHe > 0, then the density is boosted by the addition of xHe * nHe. This is eqiuvalent to assuming the the ionized fraction of helium is always proportional to the ionized fraction of hydrogen. If xHe=1.0, then helium is singly ionized in the same proportion as hydrogen. If xHe=2.0, then helium is fully ionized in the same proportion as hydrogen.

We assume, as is fairly standard, that the ionized fraction is contained in fully ionized bubbles surrounded by a fully neutral IGM. The output is therefore the volume filling factor of ionized regions, not the ionized fraction of a uniformly-ionized IGM.

I have also made the standard assumption that all ionized photons are immediately absorbed, which allows the two differential equations (one for ionization-recombination and one for emission-photoionizaion) to be combined into a single ODE.

integrate_ion_recomb_collapse(z, coeff_ion, temp_min=10000.0, passed_min_mass=False, temp_gas=10000.0, alpha_B=None, clump_fact_func=<function clumping_factor_BKP at 0xa57abfc>, **cosmo)

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IGM ionization state with recombinations from halo collapse

fraction. Integrates an ODE describing IGM ionization and recombination rates.

z: array

The redshift values at which to calculate the ionized fraction. This array should be in reverse numerical order. The first redshift specified should be early enough that the universe is still completely neutral.


The coefficient converting the collapse fraction to ionized fraction, neglecting recombinations. Equivalent to the product (f_star * f_esc_gamma * N_gamma) in the BKP paper.


See docs for ionization_from_collapse. Either the minimum virial temperature or minimum mass of halos contributing to reionization.


See documentation for ionization_from_collapse.


Gas temperature used to calculate the recombination coefficient if alpha_b is not specified.


Optional recombination coefficient in units of cm^3 s^-1. In alpha_B=None, it is calculated from temp_gas.

clump_fact_func: function

Function returning the clumping factor when given a redshift.

cosmo: dict

Dictionary specifying the cosmological parameters.

We assume, as is fairly standard, that the ionized fraction is contained in fully ionized bubbles surrounded by a fully neutral IGM. The output is therefore the volume filling factor of ionized regions, not the ionized fraction of a uniformly-ionized IGM.

I have also made the standard assumption that all ionized photons are immediately absorbed, which allows the two differential equations (one for ionization-recombination and one for emission-photoionizaion) to be combined into a single ODE.

ionization_from_luminosity(z, ratedensityfunc, xHe=1.0, rate_is_tfunc=False, ratedensityfunc_args=(), method='romberg', **cosmo)

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Integrate the ionization history given an ionizing luminosity function, ignoring recombinations.


ratedensityfunc: callable
function giving comoving ionizing photon emission rate density, or ionizing emissivity (photons s^-1 Mpc^-3) as a function of redshift (or time).
rate_is_tfunc: boolean
Set to true if ratedensityfunc is a function of time rather than z.


Ignores recombinations.

The ionization rate is computed as ratedensity / nn, where nn = nH + xHe * nHe. So if xHe is 1.0, we are assuming that helium becomes singly ionized at proportionally the same rate as hydrogen. If xHe is 2.0, we are assuming helium becomes fully ionizing at proportionally the same rate as hydrogen.

The returened x is therefore the ionized fraction of hydrogen, and the ionized fraction of helium is xHe * x.

integrate_optical_depth(x_ionH, x_ionHe, z, **cosmo)

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The electron scattering optical depth given ionized filling factor vs. redshift.


x_ionH: array

Ionized fraction of hydrogen as a function of z. Should be [0,1].

x_ionHe: array

Set x_ionHE to X_HeII + 2 * X_HeIII, where X_HeII is the fraction of helium that is singly ionized, and X_HeII is the fraction of helium that is doubly ionized. See Notes below.
z: array
Redshift values at which the filling factor is specified.

cosmo: cosmological parameters

uses: 'X_H' and/or 'Y_He', plus parameters needed for hubble_z


tau: array
The optical depth as a function of z.


The precision of your result depends on the spacing of the input arrays. When in doubt, try doubling your z resolution and see if the optical depth values have converged.

100% singly ionized helium means x_ionHe = 1.0, 100% doubly ionized helium means x_ionHe = 2.0

If you want helium to be singly ionized at the same rate as hydrogen, set x_ionHe = x_ionH.

If you want helium to be doubly ionized at the same rate as hydrogen is ionized, set x_ionHe = 2 * x_ionH.

optical_depth_instant(z_r, x_ionH=1.0, x_ionHe=1.0, z_rHe=None, return_tau_star=False, verbose=0, **cosmo)

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Optical depth assuming instantaneous reionization and a flat universe.

Calculates the optical depth due to Thompson scattering off free electrons in the IGM.


Redshift of instantaneos reionization.
Ionized fraction of hydrogen after reionization.
Set to 2.0 for fully ionized helium. Set to 1.0 for singly ionized helium. Set to 0.0 for neutral helium. This value equals X_HeII + 2 * X_HeIII after z_r (where X_HeII is the fraction of helium that is singly ionized, and X_HeII is the fraction of helium that is doubly ionized).
z_rHe (optional):
Redshift of instantaneos Helium reionization, i.e. when helium becomes doubly ionized. z_rHe should be less than z_r.
return_tau_star: Boolean
whether or not to return the value of tau_star, as defined by Griffiths et al. (arxiv:astro-ph/9812125v3)

cosmo: cosmological parameters


tau: array
optical depth to election

tau_star: array or scalar


See, e.g. Griffiths et al. (arxiv:astro-ph/9812125v3, note that the published version [ 1999MNRAS.308..854G] has typos)

nDotRecMHR(z, clump_fact=1.0)

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Recombination rate density from Madau, Haardt, & Rees 1999.

Assumes hydrogen is fully ionized.

Units are s^-1 coMpc^-3.