Package cosmolopy :: Module reionization

Source Code for Module cosmolopy.reionization

  1  """Routines related to the reionization history of the IGM.""" 
  3  import math 
  5  import numpy 
  6  import scipy 
  7  import scipy.integrate as si 
  9  import perturbation as cp 
 10  import distance as cd 
 11  import constants as cc 
 12  import density as cden 
 13  import utils as cu 
15 -def delta_lambda_delta_dl(z, delta_dl, **cosmo):
16 """The Lyman-alpha wavelength shift given light-travel distance. 17 18 Wavelengths are in Angstroms. 19 20 Returns lambda(z), lambda(z - Deltaz), z, z - Deltaz 21 22 """ 23 24 dl = cd.light_travel_distance(z, **cosmo)[0] 25 dl0 = dl - delta_dl 26 z0 = cd.redshift_d_light(dl0, **cosmo) 27 28 wavelength = cc.lambda_Lya_0 * (1+z) 29 wavelength0 = cc.lambda_Lya_0 * (1+z0) 30 return wavelength, wavelength0, z, z0
32 -def recomb_rate_coeff_HG(temp, species, case):
33 """Recombination rate coefficients for HII, HeII and HeIII. 34 35 Parameters 36 ---------- 37 38 temp is the temperature in K 39 40 species is 'H', 'He0', or 'He1'. 41 42 case is 'A' or 'B'. 43 44 Notes 45 ----- 46 47 From Hui and Gnedin (1997MNRAS.292...27H). 48 49 Valid for He0 for temperatures between 5e3 and 5e5 K. 50 51 """ 52 53 if not((species == 'H') or (species == 'He0') or (species == 'He1')): 54 raise(exception.ValueError("Bad species: " + species)) 55 56 if case == 'A': 57 case_N = 0 58 elif case == 'B': 59 case_N = 1 60 else: 61 raise(exception.ValueError("Case must be 'A' or 'B': " + case)) 62 63 # transition threshold temps in K 64 T_TR = {'H' : 157807., 65 'He0' : 285335., 66 'He1' : 631515. 67 } 68 69 # cm**3 s**-1 70 a = {'H' : [1.269e-13, 2.753e-14], 71 'He0' : [3e-14, 1.26e-14], 72 'He1' : [2. * 1.269e-13, 2. * 2.753e-14] 73 } 74 75 p0 = {'H' : [1.503, 1.500], 76 'He0' : [0.654, 0.750], 77 'He1' : [1.503, 1.500] 78 } 79 80 p1 = {'H' : [0.470, 0.407], 81 'He0' : [0, 0], 82 'He1' : [0.470, 0.407] 83 } 84 85 p2 = {'H' : [1.923,2.242], 86 'He0' : [0, 0], 87 'He1' : [1.923,2.242] 88 } 89 90 con = {'H' : [0.522, 2.740], 91 'He0' : [1, 1], 92 'He1' : [0.522, 2.740], 93 } 94 95 lam = 2. * T_TR[species] / temp 96 return (a[species][case_N] * lam ** p0[species][case_N] / 97 (1.0 + (lam / con[species][case_N]) ** p1[species][case_N]) 98 ** p2[species][case_N])
100 -def ionization_from_collapse(z, coeff_ion, temp_min, passed_min_mass = False, 101 **cosmo):
102 """The ionized fraction of the universe using perturbation theory. 103 104 Parameters 105 ---------- 106 107 z: 108 109 Redshift values at which to evaluate the ionized fraction. 110 111 coeff_ion: 112 113 Coefficient giving the ratio between collapse fraction and 114 ionized fraction (neglecting recombinations and assuming all 115 photons are instantly absorbed). 116 117 temp_min: 118 119 Either the minimum Virial temperature (in Kelvin) or minimum 120 mass of halos (in solar masses) contributing to reionization. 121 122 passed_temp_min: Boolean 123 124 Set this to True if you pass a minimum mass, False (default) if 125 you pass a minimum Virial temperature. 126 127 cosmo: dict 128 129 Cosmological parameters. 130 131 Notes 132 ----- 133 134 See Furlanetto et al. (2004ApJ...613....1F). 135 136 """ 137 sd = cp.sig_del(temp_min, z, passed_min_mass=passed_min_mass, **cosmo) 138 cf = cp.collapse_fraction(*sd) 139 w = cf * coeff_ion 140 return w
142 -def quick_ion_col_function(coeff_ion, temp_min, passed_min_mass = False, 143 zmax = 20., zmin = 0., zstep = 0.1, **cosmo):
144 """Return a function giving ionization_from_collapse as a function 145 of redshift (based on interpolation). 146 147 Calling the resulting function is much faster than evaluating 148 ionization_from_collapse. 149 """ 150 z = numpy.arange(zmin, zmax, zstep) 151 w = ionization_from_collapse(z, coeff_ion, temp_min, 152 passed_min_mass, **cosmo) 153 return scipy.interpolate.interp1d(z, w)
155 -def clumping_factor_BKP(z):
156 """Clumping factor as a function of redshift used by Bagla et al. 2009. 157 158 See Bagla, Kulkarni & Padmanabhan (2009MNRAS.397..971B). 159 """ 160 return numpy.sqrt(26.2917 * numpy.exp(-0.1822 * z + 0.003505 * z**2.))
162 -def clumping_factor_HB(z, beta=2):
163 """Clumping factor as a function of redshift used by Haiman & Bryan (2006). 164 165 See Haiman & Bryan (2006ApJ...650....7H). 166 """ 167 return 1 + 9 * ((1 + z)/7)**(-beta)
169 -def clumping_factor_Chary(z):
170 """Clumping factor as a function of redshift estimated from Chary (2008) 171 172 Chary, R.-R. 2008, ApJ, 680, 32 (2008ApJ...680...32C) shows a nice 173 plot (Figure 2a) of clumping factor for neutral and ionized gas 174 with and without halos included and adopts the clumping factor for 175 ionized gas without source halos (but with other halos), which 176 rises (apparently, from the graph) as a constant powerlaw from ~2 177 and z=15 to 6 at z=8, steepens to reach 8 at z=7, and ~17 at 178 z=5. 179 180 This function returns the values of a piecewise powerlaw (as a 181 function of redshift) interpolated/extrapolated through those 182 points. 183 """ 184 _zclumpChary = numpy.array([15, 8, 7, 5]) 185 _clumpChary = numpy.array([2, 6, 8, 17]) 186 _logclumpChary = numpy.log10(_clumpChary) 187 _logczfunc = cu.Extrapolate1d(_zclumpChary, _logclumpChary, 188 bounds_behavior=['extrapolate', 189 'extrapolate'], 190 slopes=[None, None], 191 npoints = [2, 2]) 192 193 return 10.0**_logczfunc(z)
195 -def _udot(u, t, coeff_rec_func, redshift_func, ion_func, bubble=True):
196 """du/dt where u = x - f_* f_esc,gamma N_gamma F 197 198 Parameters 199 ---------- 200 201 u: integral of du/dt as defined below 202 203 t: cosmic age in s 204 205 redshift_func: function returning redshift given t 206 207 ion_func: function returing ionized fraction neglecting recombinations 208 209 coeff_rec_func: function returning clumping_factor alpha_B n_H_0 (1+z)^3 210 211 bubble: If True, assume ionized gas is in fully-ionized bubbles 212 and other gas is fully neutral. If False, asssume gas is 213 uniformly fractionally ionized. 214 215 Notes 216 ----- 217 218 This is implemented as a reformulation of the normal ODE 219 describing ionization and recombination (see, e.g. Bagla, Kulkarni 220 & Padmanabhan (2009MNRAS.397..971B). 221 222 The original ODE is: 223 224 dx/dt = -alpha_B C n_H x + f_* f_esc,gamma N_gamma dF/dt 225 226 If we let u = x - w, where w = f_* f_esc,gamma N_gamma F(t) then 227 228 du/dt = dx/dt - dw/dt 229 230 which gives 231 232 du/dt = -alpha_B C n_H x = -alpha_B C n_H (u + w) 233 234 We have an analytical expression for w, so we can numerically 235 integrate the ODE to give us u(t) or x(t) = u(t) + w(t). 236 237 """ 238 z = redshift_func(t) 239 w = ion_func(z) 240 crf = coeff_rec_func(z) 241 #ionization_from_collapse(z, coeff_ion, temp_min, 242 # passed_min_mass = passed_min_mass, 243 # **cosmo) 244 245 x = u + w 246 x = x * (x <= 1.) + 1.0 * (x > 1.) 247 if bubble: 248 udot = -1. * crf * x 249 else: 250 udot = -1. * crf * x**2 251 #if (abs(round(z,1) - z) < 0.01): 252 if (False): 253 print ("z=%.3f; t=%.1g; c=%.2g; udot=%.2g; w,x,u = %.2g, %.2g, %.2g" % 254 (z, t, crf, udot, w, x, u)) 255 return udot
257 -def integrate_ion_recomb(z, 258 ion_func, 259 clump_fact_func, 260 xHe=1.0, 261 temp_gas=1e4, 262 alpha_B=None, 263 bubble=True, 264 **cosmo):
265 """Integrate IGM ionization and recombination given an ionization function. 266 267 Parameters: 268 269 z: array 270 271 The redshift values at which to calculate the ionized 272 fraction. This array should be in reverse numerical order. The 273 first redshift specified should be early enough that the 274 universe is still completely neutral. 275 276 ion_func: 277 278 A function giving the ratio of the total density of emitted 279 ionizing photons to the density hydrogen atoms (or hydrogen 280 plus helium, if you prefer) as a function of redshift. 281 282 temp_gas: 283 284 Gas temperature used to calculate the recombination coefficient 285 if alpha_b is not specified. 286 287 alpha_B: 288 289 Optional recombination coefficient in units of cm^3 290 s^-1. In alpha_B=None, it is calculated from temp_gas. 291 292 clump_fact_func: function 293 294 Function returning the clumping factor when given a redshift, 295 defined as <n_HII^2>/<n_HII>^2. 296 297 cosmo: dict 298 299 Dictionary specifying the cosmological parameters. 300 301 Notes: 302 303 We only track recombination of hydrogen, but if xHe > 0, then the 304 density is boosted by the addition of xHe * nHe. This is 305 eqiuvalent to assuming the the ionized fraction of helium is 306 always proportional to the ionized fraction of hydrogen. If 307 xHe=1.0, then helium is singly ionized in the same proportion as 308 hydrogen. If xHe=2.0, then helium is fully ionized in the same 309 proportion as hydrogen. 310 311 We assume, as is fairly standard, that the ionized 312 fraction is contained in fully ionized bubbles surrounded by a 313 fully neutral IGM. The output is therefore the volume filling 314 factor of ionized regions, not the ionized fraction of a 315 uniformly-ionized IGM. 316 317 I have also made the standard assumption that all ionized photons 318 are immediately absorbed, which allows the two differential 319 equations (one for ionization-recombination and one for 320 emission-photoionizaion) to be combined into a single ODE. 321 322 """ 323 324 # Determine recombination coefficient. 325 if alpha_B is None: 326 alpha_B_cm = recomb_rate_coeff_HG(temp_gas, 'H', 'B') 327 else: 328 alpha_B_cm = alpha_B 329 alpha_B = alpha_B_cm * cc.Gyr_s / (cc.Mpc_cm**3.) 330 print ("Recombination rate alpha_B = %.4g (Mpc^3 Gyr^-1) = %.4g (cm^3 s^-1)" 331 % (alpha_B, alpha_B_cm)) 332 333 # Normalize power spectrum. 334 if 'deltaSqr' not in cosmo: 335 cosmo['deltaSqr'] = cp.norm_power(**cosmo) 336 337 # Calculate useful densities. 338 rho_crit, rho_0, n_He_0, n_H_0 = cden.baryon_densities(**cosmo) 339 340 # Boost density to approximately account for helium. 341 nn = (n_H_0 + xHe * n_He_0) 342 343 # Function used in the integration. 344 # Units: (Mpc^3 Gyr^-1) * Mpc^-3 = Gyr^-1 345 coeff_rec_func = lambda z1: (clump_fact_func(z1) * 346 alpha_B * 347 nn * (1.+z1)**3.) 348 349 # Generate a function that converts age of the universe to z. 350 red_func = cd.quick_redshift_age_function(zmax = 1.1 * numpy.max(z), 351 zmin = -0.0, 352 dz = 0.01, 353 **cosmo) 354 355 ref_func_Gyr = lambda t1: red_func(t1 * cc.Gyr_s) 356 357 # Convert specified redshifts to cosmic time (age of the universe). 358 t = cd.age(z, **cosmo)[0]/cc.Gyr_s 359 360 # Integrate to find u(z) = x(z) - w(z), where w is the ionization fraction 361 u = si.odeint(_udot, y0=0.0, t=t, 362 args=(coeff_rec_func, ref_func_Gyr, ion_func, bubble)) 363 u = u.flatten() 364 365 w = ion_func(z) 366 x = u + w 367 #x[x > 1.0] = 1.0 368 return x, w, t 369
370 -def integrate_ion_recomb_collapse(z, coeff_ion, 371 temp_min = 1e4, 372 passed_min_mass = False, 373 temp_gas=1e4, 374 alpha_B=None, 375 clump_fact_func = clumping_factor_BKP, 376 **cosmo):
377 378 """IGM ionization state with recombinations from halo collapse 379 fraction. Integrates an ODE describing IGM ionization and 380 recombination rates. 381 382 z: array 383 384 The redshift values at which to calculate the ionized 385 fraction. This array should be in reverse numerical order. The 386 first redshift specified should be early enough that the 387 universe is still completely neutral. 388 389 coeff_ion: 390 391 The coefficient converting the collapse fraction to ionized 392 fraction, neglecting recombinations. Equivalent to the product 393 (f_star * f_esc_gamma * N_gamma) in the BKP paper. 394 395 396 temp_min: 397 398 See docs for ionization_from_collapse. Either the minimum virial 399 temperature or minimum mass of halos contributing to 400 reionization. 401 402 passed_temp_min: 403 404 See documentation for ionization_from_collapse. 405 406 temp_gas: 407 408 Gas temperature used to calculate the recombination coefficient 409 if alpha_b is not specified. 410 411 alpha_B: 412 413 Optional recombination coefficient in units of cm^3 414 s^-1. In alpha_B=None, it is calculated from temp_gas. 415 416 clump_fact_func: function 417 418 Function returning the clumping factor when given a redshift. 419 420 cosmo: dict 421 422 Dictionary specifying the cosmological parameters. 423 424 We assume, as is fairly standard, that the ionized 425 fraction is contained in fully ionized bubbles surrounded by a 426 fully neutral IGM. The output is therefore the volume filling 427 factor of ionized regions, not the ionized fraction of a 428 uniformly-ionized IGM. 429 430 I have also made the standard assumption that all ionized photons 431 are immediately absorbed, which allows the two differential 432 equations (one for ionization-recombination and one for 433 emission-photoionizaion) to be combined into a single ODE. 434 435 """ 436 437 # Determine recombination coefficient. 438 if alpha_B is None: 439 alpha_B_cm = recomb_rate_coeff_HG(temp_gas, 'H', 'B') 440 else: 441 alpha_B_cm = alpha_B 442 alpha_B = alpha_B_cm / (cc.Mpc_cm**3.) 443 print ("Recombination rate alpha_B = %.4g (Mpc^3 s^-1) = %.4g (cm^3 s^-1)" 444 % (alpha_B, alpha_B_cm)) 445 446 # Normalize power spectrum. 447 if 'deltaSqr' not in cosmo: 448 cosmo['deltaSqr'] = cp.norm_power(**cosmo) 449 450 # Calculate useful densities. 451 rho_crit, rho_0, n_He_0, n_H_0 = cden.baryon_densities(**cosmo) 452 453 # Function used in the integration. 454 # Units: (Mpc^3 s^-1) * Mpc^-3 = s^-1 455 coeff_rec_func = lambda z: (clump_fact_func(z)**2. * 456 alpha_B * 457 n_H_0 * (1.+z)**3.) 458 459 # Generate a function that converts redshift to age of the universe. 460 redfunc = cd.quick_redshift_age_function(zmax = 1.1 * numpy.max(z), 461 zmin = -0.0, 462 **cosmo) 463 # Function used in the integration. 464 ionfunc = quick_ion_col_function(coeff_ion, 465 temp_min, 466 passed_min_mass = passed_min_mass, 467 zmax = 1.1 * numpy.max(z), 468 zmin = -0.0, 469 zstep = 0.1, **cosmo) 470 471 # Convert specified redshifts to cosmic time (age of the universe). 472 t = cd.age(z, **cosmo) 473 474 # Integrate to find u(z) = x(z) - w(z), where w is the ionization fraction 475 u = si.odeint(_udot, y0=0.0, t=t, 476 args=(coeff_rec_func, redfunc, ionfunc)) 477 u = u.flatten() 478 479 w = ionization_from_collapse(z, coeff_ion, temp_min, 480 passed_min_mass = passed_min_mass, 481 **cosmo) 482 x = u + w 483 x[x > 1.0] = 1.0 484 return x, w, t 485
486 -def ionization_from_luminosity(z, ratedensityfunc, xHe=1.0, 487 rate_is_tfunc = False, 488 ratedensityfunc_args = (), 489 method = 'romberg', 490 **cosmo):
491 """Integrate the ionization history given an ionizing luminosity 492 function, ignoring recombinations. 493 494 Parameters 495 ---------- 496 497 ratedensityfunc: callable 498 function giving comoving ionizing photon emission rate 499 density, or ionizing emissivity (photons s^-1 Mpc^-3) as a 500 function of redshift (or time). 501 502 rate_is_tfunc: boolean 503 Set to true if ratedensityfunc is a function of time rather than z. 504 505 Notes 506 ----- 507 508 Ignores recombinations. 509 510 The ionization rate is computed as ratedensity / nn, where nn = nH 511 + xHe * nHe. So if xHe is 1.0, we are assuming that helium becomes 512 singly ionized at proportionally the same rate as hydrogen. If xHe 513 is 2.0, we are assuming helium becomes fully ionizing at 514 proportionally the same rate as hydrogen. 515 516 The returened x is therefore the ionized fraction of hydrogen, and 517 the ionized fraction of helium is xHe * x. 518 519 """ 520 521 cosmo = cd.set_omega_k_0(cosmo) 522 rhoc, rho0, nHe, nH = cden.baryon_densities(**cosmo) 523 nn = (nH + xHe * nHe) 524 if rate_is_tfunc: 525 t = cd.age(z, **cosmo)[0] 526 def dx_dt(t1): 527 return numpy.nan_to_num(ratedensityfunc(t1, *ratedensityfunc_args) / 528 nn)
529 sorti = numpy.argsort(t) 530 x = numpy.empty(t.shape) 531 x[sorti] = cu.integrate_piecewise(dx_dt, t[sorti], method = method) 532 return x 533 else: 534 dt_dz = lambda z1: cd.lookback_integrand(z1, **cosmo) 535 def dx_dz(z1): 536 z1 = numpy.abs(z1) 537 return numpy.nan_to_num(dt_dz(z1) * 538 ratedensityfunc(z1, *ratedensityfunc_args) / 539 nn) 540 sorti = numpy.argsort(-z) 541 x = numpy.empty(z.shape) 542 x[sorti] = cu.integrate_piecewise(dx_dz, -z[sorti], method = method) 543 return x 544
545 -def integrate_optical_depth(x_ionH, x_ionHe, z, **cosmo):
546 """The electron scattering optical depth given ionized filling 547 factor vs. redshift. 548 549 Parameters 550 ---------- 551 552 x_ionH: array 553 554 Ionized fraction of hydrogen as a function of z. Should be [0,1]. 555 556 x_ionHe: array 557 558 Set x_ionHE to X_HeII + 2 * X_HeIII, where X_HeII is the 559 fraction of helium that is singly ionized, and X_HeII is the 560 fraction of helium that is doubly ionized. See Notes below. 561 562 z: array 563 Redshift values at which the filling factor is specified. 564 565 cosmo: cosmological parameters 566 567 uses: 'X_H' and/or 'Y_He', plus parameters needed for hubble_z 568 569 Returns 570 ------- 571 572 tau: array 573 The optical depth as a function of z. 574 575 Notes 576 ----- 577 578 The precision of your result depends on the spacing of the input 579 arrays. When in doubt, try doubling your z resolution and see if 580 the optical depth values have converged. 581 582 100% singly ionized helium means x_ionHe = 1.0, 100% doubly 583 ionized helium means x_ionHe = 2.0 584 585 If you want helium to be singly ionized at the same rate as 586 hydrogen, set x_ionHe = x_ionH. 587 588 If you want helium to be doubly ionized at the same rate as 589 hydrogen is ionized, set x_ionHe = 2 * x_ionH. 590 591 """ 592 593 rho_crit, rho_0, n_He_0, n_H_0 = cden.baryon_densities(**cosmo) 594 595 # comoving Mpc^-1 596 n_p = n_H_0 + 2. * n_He_0 597 598 # comoving Mpc^-1 599 n_e = n_H_0 * x_ionH + n_He_0 * x_ionHe 600 601 # fraction of electrons that are free 602 x = n_e / n_p 603 604 H_0 = cc.H100_s * cosmo['h'] 605 606 # Mpc s^-1 * Mpc^2 * Mpc^-3 / s^-1 -> unitless 607 tau_star = cc.c_light_Mpc_s * cc.sigma_T_Mpc * n_p 608 609 # s^-1 610 H_z = cd.hubble_z(z, **cosmo) 611 612 # Mpc^3 s^-1 * Mpc^-3 / s^-1 -> unitless 613 integrand = -1. * tau_star * x * ((1. + z)**2.) / H_z 614 615 integral = numpy.empty(integrand.shape) 616 integral[...,1:] = si.cumtrapz(integrand, z) 617 integral[...,0] = 0.0 618 return numpy.abs(integral)
620 -def optical_depth_instant(z_r, x_ionH=1.0, x_ionHe=1.0, z_rHe = None, 621 return_tau_star=False, verbose=0, **cosmo):
622 """Optical depth assuming instantaneous reionization and a flat 623 universe. 624 625 Calculates the optical depth due to Thompson scattering off free 626 electrons in the IGM. 627 628 Parameters 629 ---------- 630 631 z_r: 632 Redshift of instantaneos reionization. 633 634 x_ionH: 635 Ionized fraction of hydrogen after reionization. 636 637 x_ionHe: 638 Set to 2.0 for fully ionized helium. Set to 1.0 for singly 639 ionized helium. Set to 0.0 for neutral helium. This value 640 equals X_HeII + 2 * X_HeIII after z_r (where X_HeII is the 641 fraction of helium that is singly ionized, and X_HeII is the 642 fraction of helium that is doubly ionized). 643 644 z_rHe (optional): 645 Redshift of instantaneos Helium reionization, i.e. when helium 646 becomes doubly ionized. z_rHe should be less than z_r. 647 648 return_tau_star: Boolean 649 whether or not to return the value of tau_star, as defined by 650 Griffiths et al. (arxiv:astro-ph/9812125v3) 651 652 cosmo: cosmological parameters 653 654 Returns 655 ------- 656 657 tau: array 658 optical depth to election 659 660 tau_star: array or scalar 661 662 Notes 663 ----- 664 665 See, e.g. Griffiths et al. (arxiv:astro-ph/9812125v3, note that 666 the published version [ 1999MNRAS.308..854G] has typos) 667 668 """ 669 670 if numpy.any(cden.get_omega_k_0(**cosmo) != 0): 671 raise ValueError, "Not valid for non-flat (omega_k_0 !=0) cosmology." 672 673 674 if z_rHe is not None: 675 # Optical depth from z_rHe to 0 with He fully (twice) ionized. 676 tau_short_all = optical_depth_instant(z_rHe, x_ionH, x_ionHe=2.0, 677 **cosmo) 678 679 # Optical depth from z_rHe to 0 without He fully ionized. 680 tau_short_H = optical_depth_instant(z_rHe, x_ionH, x_ionHe, **cosmo) 681 682 # Difference due to fully ionized He (added to tau later): 683 tau_short_He = tau_short_all - tau_short_H 684 if(verbose > 0) : 685 print "tau_short_He = ", tau_short_He 686 687 rho_crit, rho_0, n_He_0, n_H_0 = cden.baryon_densities(**cosmo) 688 689 # comoving Mpc^-1 690 n_p = n_H_0 + 2. * n_He_0 691 692 # comoving Mpc^-1 693 n_e = (n_H_0 * x_ionH) + (n_He_0 * x_ionHe) 694 695 # fraction of electrons that are free 696 x = n_e / n_p 697 698 if(verbose > 0) : 699 print "n_He/n_H = ", n_He_0 / n_H_0 700 print "x = ne/np = ", x 701 print "n_e/n_H_0 = ", n_e/n_H_0 702 703 H_0 = cc.H100_s * cosmo['h'] 704 705 # Mpc s^-1 * Mpc^2 * Mpc^-3 / s^-1 -> unitless 706 tau_star = cc.c_light_Mpc_s * cc.sigma_T_Mpc * n_p * x / H_0 707 708 ### The tau_star expressions above and below are mathematically identical. 709 #tau_star = cc.c_light_Mpc_s * cc.sigma_T_Mpc * n_H_0 * (n_e/n_H_0) / H_0 710 711 e_z_reion = cd.e_z(z_r, **cosmo) 712 713 tau = 2. * tau_star * (e_z_reion - 1.0) / (3. * cosmo['omega_M_0']) 714 715 if z_rHe is not None: 716 # Add in the Helium reionization contribution: 717 tau += tau_short_He 718 719 if return_tau_star: 720 return tau, tau_star 721 else: 722 return tau
724 -def nDotRecMHR(z, clump_fact=1.0):
725 """Recombination rate density from Madau, Haardt, & Rees 1999. 726 727 Assumes hydrogen is fully ionized. 728 729 Units are s^-1 coMpc^-3. 730 731 """ 732 return 1e50 * clump_fact * ((1. + z)/7.)**3