Package cosmolopy :: Module magnitudes

Source Code for Module cosmolopy.magnitudes

  1  """Conversions between fluxes, luminosities and AB magnitudes. 
  2  """ 
  3  import math 
  5  import numpy 
  6  import cosmolopy.distance as cd 
  7  import cosmolopy.constants as cc 
  9  """AB Magnitude zero point.""" 
 10  MAB0 = -2.5 * numpy.log10(3631.e-23) 
12 -def nu_lambda(coordinate):
13 """Convert between frequency and wavelength, nu to lambda or 14 lambda to nu. 15 16 Either: 17 given `lambda` returns 'nu' or 18 given `nu` returns `lambda`. 19 20 Units are: 21 `Hz` for nu and `Ang` for `lambda`. 22 23 Works because `nu = c/lambda` and `lambda = c/nu`, and I use `c` 24 in units of `Angs/s`. 25 26 Usage 27 ----- 28 29 >>> from cosmolopy import magnitudes 30 >>> nu = magnitudes.nu_lambda(1216.) 31 >>> lam = magnitudes.nu_lambda(nu) 32 >>> lam 33 1216.0 34 """ 35 return (cc.c_light_cm_s / cc.angstrom_cm) / coordinate
37 -def f_nu_lambda(flux, coordinate):
38 """Convert f_nu to f_lambda or f_lambda to f_nu. 39 40 Either: 41 given `f_lambda` and `lambda` returns `f_nu` and 'nu' or 42 given `f_nu` and `nu` returns `f_lambda` and `lambda`. 43 44 Units are: 45 `erg s^-1 cm^-2 Hz^-1` for f_nu and 46 `erg s^-1 cm^-2 Ang^-1` for `f_lambda`. 47 48 Works because `f_nu = f_lambda * lambda**2/c` and `f_lambda = f_nu 49 * nu**2/c`, and I use `c` in units of `Angs/s`. 50 51 Usage 52 ----- 53 54 >>> from cosmolopy import magnitudes 55 >>> fnu, nu = magnitudes.f_nu_lambda(2.0, 1216.) 56 >>> flam, lam = magnitudes.f_nu_lambda(fnu, nu) 57 >>> flam, lam 58 (2.0, 1216.0) 59 """ 60 61 return (flux * coordinate**2. / (cc.c_light_cm_s / cc.angstrom_cm), 62 (cc.c_light_cm_s / cc.angstrom_cm) / coordinate)
63 64
65 -def f_nu_from_magAB(magAB):
66 """Convert apparent magnitude into flux (erg s^-1 cm^-2 Hz^-1). 67 68 Usage 69 ----- 70 71 Check that the AB magnitude zero point is 3631 Jy: 72 73 >>> from cosmolopy import magnitudes 74 >>> "%.4g" % (magnitudes.f_nu_from_magAB(0.0)/1e-23) 75 '3631' 76 77 """ 78 f_nu = 10.**((magAB + MAB0)/(-2.5)) 79 return f_nu
81 -def L_nu_from_magAB(magAB):
82 """Convert absolute magnitude into luminosity (erg s^-1 Hz^-1). 83 84 Usage 85 ----- 86 87 Check that the AB magnitude zero point is 3631 Jy: 88 89 >>> from cosmolopy import magnitudes 90 >>> import math 91 >>> L_nu = magnitudes.L_nu_from_magAB(0.0) 92 >>> "%.4g" % (L_nu/(1e-23 * 4. * math.pi * (10*cc.pc_cm)**2)) 93 '3631' 94 95 """ 96 const = 4. * math.pi * (10. * cc.pc_cm)**2. 97 L_nu = const * 10.**((magAB + MAB0)/(-2.5)) 98 return L_nu
100 -def magnitude_AB_from_L_nu(luminosity_nu):
101 """Convert luminosity (erg s^-1 Hz^-1) into absolute magnitude. 102 103 Usage 104 ----- 105 106 Check that the AB magnitude zero point is 3631 Jy: 107 108 >>> import numpy, math 109 >>> from cosmolopy import magnitudes, cc 110 >>> L_nu = 3631e-23 * (4. * math.pi * (10*cc.pc_cm)**2) 111 >>> "%.3f" % numpy.abs(magnitudes.magnitude_AB_from_L_nu(L_nu)) 112 '0.000' 113 114 """ 115 116 const = 4. * math.pi * (10. * cc.pc_cm)**2. 117 magAB = -2.5 * numpy.log10(luminosity_nu/const) - MAB0 118 return magAB
120 -def distance_modulus(z, **cosmo):
121 """Distance modulus mu = m-M. 122 123 The distance modulus is the difference between the apparent and 124 absolute magnitudes, 125 126 mu = 5 log(d/10 pc) 127 128 Usage 129 ----- 130 131 >>> from cosmolopy import fidcosmo, magnitudes 132 >>> "mu(z=6) = %.4g" % magnitudes.distance_modulus(6.0, **fidcosmo) 133 'mu(z=6) = 48.86' 134 135 """ 136 dl = cd.luminosity_distance(z, **cosmo) 137 mu = 5 * numpy.log10(dl/(10e-6)) 138 return mu
140 -def magnitude_AB(z, f_lambda, wavelength, **cosmo):
141 """The apparent and absolute AB magnitude given a flux. 142 143 Inputs 144 ------ 145 146 z: array or scalar 147 the redshift of the source. Set to None to get absolute 148 magnitude from a luminosity. 149 150 f_lambda: array or scalar 151 observed flux from the source in units of erg s^-1 cm^-2 Ang^-1 152 153 wavelength: array or scalar 154 the observed wavelength of the flux measurement(s) in Angstroms 155 156 Returns 157 ------- 158 159 Returns ab (apparent), and AB (absolute) magnitudes. 160 161 Notes 162 ----- 163 164 Note that here you pass fluxes that are per unit wavelength, not 165 per unit frequency. To get the absolute magnitude for a 166 *luminosity* specified in units of erg s^-1 Ang^-1, set z=None. 167 168 Usage 169 ----- 170 171 Check that the AB magnitude zero point is 3631 Jy: 172 173 >>> from cosmolopy import fidcosmo, magnitudes, cc, cd 174 >>> import numpy, math 175 >>> L_nu = 3631e-23 * (4. * math.pi * (10*cc.pc_cm)**2) 176 >>> nu = magnitudes.nu_lambda(1216.) 177 >>> L_lambda, lamb = magnitudes.f_nu_lambda(L_nu, nu) 178 >>> mAB, MAB = magnitudes.magnitude_AB(None, L_lambda, 1216., **fidcosmo) 179 >>> "%.3f" % numpy.abs(MAB) 180 '0.000' 181 182 Find the apparent (and absolute, which should be zero) magnitudes 183 of a 3631 Jy source at z=6.0: 184 185 >>> from cosmolopy import fidcosmo, magnitudes, cc, cd 186 >>> import numpy, math 187 >>> L_nu = 3631e-23 * (4. * math.pi * (10*cc.pc_cm)**2) 188 >>> nu = magnitudes.nu_lambda(1216.) 189 >>> L_lambda, lamb = magnitudes.f_nu_lambda(L_nu, nu) 190 >>> dl = cd.luminosity_distance(6.0, **fidcosmo) 191 >>> f_lambda = L_lambda/(4. * math.pi * (dl*cc.Mpc_cm)**2 * (1. + 6.0)) 192 >>> mAB, MAB = magnitudes.magnitude_AB(6.0, f_lambda, 7.*1216., **fidcosmo) 193 >>> "%.3f, %.3f" % (mAB, MAB) 194 '48.865, 0.000' 195 196 """ 197 198 # Distance modulus mu = m-M 199 if z is None: 200 mu = 0.0 201 z = 0 202 f_lambda = f_lambda / (4. * math.pi * (10. * cc.pc_cm)**2.) 203 else: 204 mu = distance_modulus(z, **cosmo) 205 206 # Correction to the flux due to redshifted differential wavelength. 207 f_rest = f_lambda * (1+z) 208 209 # Rest wavelength and frequency. 210 lambda_rest = wavelength/(1+z) 211 nu_rest = cc.c_light_cm_s / (lambda_rest * cc.angstrom_cm) 212 213 # Observed frequency. 214 nu_0 = cc.c_light_cm_s / (wavelength * cc.angstrom_cm) 215 216 # Apparent AB magnitude. 217 ab_app = -2.5 * numpy.log10(f_rest * (lambda_rest / nu_rest)) - MAB0 218 219 # Absolute magnitude 220 ab_abs = ab_app - mu 221 222 return ab_app, ab_abs
224 -def magnitude_AB1450(z, f_lambda, wavelength, nu_power=-0.5, **cosmo):
225 """Extrapolate to the AB magnitude at 1450 Angstroms. 226 227 Inputs 228 ------ 229 230 z: array or scalar 231 the redshift of the source 232 233 f_lambda: array or scalar 234 observed flux from the source in units of erg s^-1 cm^-2 Ang^-1 235 236 wavelength: array or scalar 237 the observed wavelength of the flux measurement(s) in Angstroms. 238 239 nu_power: 240 the powerlaw index (f_nu ~ nu^nu_power) used to extrapolate 241 the flux to 1450 Angstroms. 242 243 Returns 244 ------- 245 246 Apparent and absolute magnitudes extrapolated to 1450 Angstroms. 247 248 249 Notes 250 ----- 251 252 Follows Fan et al. 2003: 253 254 We extrapolate the continuum to rest-frame 1450A, assuming a 255 continuum shape f_nu ~ nu^-0.5 to calculate AB_1450. 256 257 Usage 258 ----- 259 260 Find the apparent and absolute rest-frame 1450 Angstrom magnitudes 261 of source with a flux of 3631 Jy at rest-frame 1216 Angstroms at 262 z=6.0: 263 264 265 >>> from cosmolopy import fidcosmo, magnitudes, cc, cd 266 >>> import numpy, math 267 >>> L_nu = 3631e-23 * (4. * math.pi * (10*cc.pc_cm)**2) 268 >>> nu = magnitudes.nu_lambda(1216.) 269 >>> L_lambda, lamb = magnitudes.f_nu_lambda(L_nu, nu) 270 >>> dl = cd.luminosity_distance(6.0, **fidcosmo) 271 >>> f_lambda = L_lambda/(4. * math.pi * (dl*cc.Mpc_cm)**2 * (1. + 6.0)) 272 >>> mAB, MAB = magnitudes.magnitude_AB1450(6.0, f_lambda, 7.*1216., 273 ... **fidcosmo) 274 >>> "%.3f, %.3f" % (mAB, MAB) 275 '48.769, -0.096' 276 277 And is that offset from an absolute magnitude of zero consisten 278 with our assumed powerlaw index? 279 280 >>> "%.3f" %(-2.5 * numpy.log10((1216./1450)**0.5)) 281 '0.096' 282 283 """ 284 285 # correction to the flux due to redshifted differential wavelength 286 f_rest = f_lambda * (1+z) 287 288 # rest wavelength and frequency 289 lambda_rest = wavelength/(1+z) 290 nu_rest = cc.c_light_cm_s / (lambda_rest * cc.angstrom_cm) 291 292 # rest flux per unit freq. 293 f_nu_rest = f_rest * (lambda_rest / nu_rest) 294 295 nu_1450 = cc.c_light_cm_s / (1450 * cc.angstrom_cm) 296 f_nu_1450 = f_nu_rest * (nu_1450/nu_rest)**nu_power 297 298 # apparent AB magnitude 299 ab_app = -2.5 * numpy.log10(f_nu_1450) - MAB0 300 301 # distance modulus mu = m-M 302 mu = distance_modulus(z, **cosmo) 303 304 # absolute magnitude 305 ab_abs = ab_app - mu 306 307 return ab_app, ab_abs
308 309 if __name__ == "__main__": 310 import doctest 311 doctest.testmod() 312